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End-of-Season Showcase is March 22!

6:00 - 8:00 pm!

For information on all of our club programs, check out the Programs page or the Club Handbook page. 


2024-2025 Season


Off-Ice & Holidays Calendar - UPDATED.pdf


Our Fundraisers!

Our Westjet Raffle is in full swing!

It's easy to support with online ordering - See our Fundraising page for the info/links!



Fundraising Policy

Opt-Out Option: Optional Fundraising Fee available on our Registration > Purchase Products page (to opt-out of Fundraising).

Fundraising is necessary to offset club costs such as ice costs and Skate Canada fees. Participation (or Fundraising Fee) is required. Each family is expected to help raise money for the benefit of all of our skaters.  

Fundraising is tiered according to skating level.  We only ask for participation per skating family not per skater.  Therefore, families with multiple skaters participate according to the level of their most advanced skater.

Email information will be sent out prior to the start of each fundraiser activity.



Weekly Calendar

   Linked to registration

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All transactions are in Canadian Dollars